We've been thrilled watching flocks of thousands of snow geese flying high over Summit, as smaller flocks of Canada geese return to the Coteau. It certainly was a tonic from watching Minnesota House hearings of bills intended to address the consequences of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
But all is not well in the domestic and wild bird world. Earlier this month, we'd posted Associated Press: Bird flu detected among commercial flock in southeastern South Dakota.
There's more.
UPDATE 3/19: Arielle Zionts reports for SD Public Broadcasting, 85,000 birds euthanized as South Dakota sees first avian flu outbreak since 2015. [end update]
A press release we received from the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks department Friday afternoon, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Detected in South Dakota:
PIERRE, S.D. – The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been detected in both domestic poultry flocks and wild birds in South Dakota.
Avian flu, commonly referred to as bird flu, occurs in all bird populations, especially waterfowl, shorebirds, and domestic fowl.
“The current strain appeared in both Canada geese and snow geese and other waterfowl in January in the eastern U.S and Canada,” said South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) senior waterfowl biologist, Rocco Murano. “Detections have now been found throughout the Atlantic, Central and Mississippi flyways.”
Avian flu is very similar to the seasonal flu that occurs within human populations Murano explained.
“This particular strain appears to be more severe in that it impacts wild birds, and more transmissible among these wild bird populations. With the spring migration, large numbers of birds are mixing together and moving across the landscape. The good news is that like the human flu, as the weather gets warmer, the virus is less present,” Murano said.
South Dakota has seen avian bird flu in 2008 and 2015, but wild bird mortality did not occur in those outbreaks. Although this strain seems to be more present in wild birds, mortality rates should be low and not have any population affects.
Avian flu is rarely transmitted from birds to humans, but precautions should be taken around dead or obviously sick birds.
“At this point, we are asking folks to report sick or dead birds, especially waterfowl,” Murano said.
GFP is asking citizens to report sick or unknown cause of death waterfowl, raptors, water birds or avian scavengers. Look for symptoms of unusual behavior, loss of coordination, or the inability to fly or walk properly. We recommend you avoid handling these sick or dead birds and report them to GFP at [email protected] or your local conservation officer.
Murano went on to say that snow goose hunters should not worry about the outbreak. Cooking harvested birds to 165 degrees, and making sure to dry all their gear before their next hunting outing are two important takeaways for hunters. Harvested birds must be retrieved from the fields and carcasses properly disposed.
Visit https://gfp.sd.gov/avian-flu/ to learn more about avian influenza.
We'll be back Saturday with a fact check about Minnesota's successful effort to eliminate Bovine TB in Northwestern Minnesota after it was discovered among cattle and wild deer in 2005.
Related posts:
- Associated Press: Bird flu detected among commercial flock in southeastern South Dakota
- Minnesota Reformer: Menacing bird flu detected in western Iowa backyard chicken and duck flock
Photo: Snow geese migrating through South Dakota. Via Snow geese/ South Dakota | Refuge Forums.
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