On May 7, we picked up on two-day old Dakota Free Press post: Manhart voted in Wisconsin in 2021, thus ineligible to run for South Dakota House in 2022.
It appears as if the story may have legs.
At the Sioux Falls Argus Leader and its USA Today sibling paper, the Aberdeen American, Joe Sneve reports in Democrats take aim at Aberdeen-area Republican accused of skirting eligibility rules:
A Republican legislative candidate could be pulled from the ballot amid allegations that he's in violation of South Dakota residency requirements.
Logan Manhart is among four candidates for state House in District 1 in the Aberdeen area.
However, a complaint filed with the Brown County Sheriff's Office this week contends that the Bath man has not lived in South Dakota for the two years that the state Constitution requires before someone is eligible to serve in the state Legislature.
It alleges that Manhart, 23, participated in Wisconsin elections as recently as April of 2021.
The plaintiff in the case is Steve McCleerey, a former lawmaker who's among two Democratic candidates in the District 1 contest.
Manhart did not respond to a request for comment Monday.
McCleerey, a former assistant minority leader who served in the House from 2015 to 2020, told the Argus Leader that while Manhart is originally from South Dakota, evidence suggests he only recently moved back to the state from Wisconsin.
"I think I would have beat him anyway, but that’s not the point," said the Sisseton-area farmer. "The main thing is, if we're going to follow rules, he has to just like I would have to. It’s plain and simple."
A query of a state-run Wisconsin voter registration information website Monday showed Manhart's voter registration in not active in the Badger State, however, he had been registered in Eau Claire.
But McCleerey said the registration was active as recently as May 11, with Wisconsin voter records showed he participated in multiple elections there.
Both men, as well as the two other candidates in the race, hope to capture one of two District 1 House seats up for grabs in this year's election. Those spots right now belong to Reps. Tamara St. Johns, R-Sisseton, and Jennifer Keintz, D-Eden.
If Manhart is pulled from the ballot, the Democrats would obtain at least one of the two open seats.
We're surprised that Sneve didn't cite Cory Allen Heidelberger's May 5 post at Dakota Free Press, Manhart Voted in Wisconsin in 2021, Thus Ineligible to Run for South Dakota House in 2022, since Associated Press guidelines recommend citing the venue where information first appears.
Moreover, we're curious about the contents of the complaint. We've contacted the Brown County SD sheriff's office about the complaint; the kind and professional staffer who helped us directed us to the State's Attorney for Brown County; the equally polite staffer sent us to the Clerk of Court's office, but it may have been closed for the day as no one answered the phone.
But one supposes that despite DFP having the receipts about Manhart's voting record in Wisconsin, the developing story is only about a claim made by Democrats.
We recommend readers check out Manhart Voted in Wisconsin in 2021, Thus Ineligible to Run for South Dakota House in 2022 at Dakota Free Press.
UPDATE: Cory Allen Heidelberger weighs in with McCleerey Sues to Boot Too-Recent Wisconsin Voter and Oath-Breaker Manhart from District 1 Ballot, concluding:
. . . Manhart didn’t just skirt an eligibility rule. He lied under oath and broke the law. In some places, lying under oath is considered an impeachable offense.
Through his inattention, Manhart has saddled the Republicans with an unviable candidate. If a judge looks at the plain facts of this case and declares Manhart’s candidacy invalid, Manhart costs his party a shot at a District 1 House seat. Under state law, parties can only fill vacancies on the ballot that arise due to death or withdrawal of a candidate. If Manhart is truly a good party boy, he’ll run to the courthouse Tuesday morning and withdraw his candidacy, before any judge can pronounce on his all-too-brief South Dakota residency. Then GOP leaders in Roberts, Marshall, Day, and Brown counties would get a chance to fill the vacancy caused by Manhart’s lawbreaking with and honest, legal Republican candidate.
My, my.
Related posts:
- In SD District One, GOP candidate & operative doesn't want to talk to press about January 6
- Dakota Free Press post: Manhart voted in Wisconsin in 2021, thus ineligible to run for South Dakota House in 2022
Photo: Manhart in DC on January 6, 2021. Screengrab of photo montage via Manhart's Twitter account.
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