Last week, we saw the image in the screenshot above on the Lisa Hanson for Senate Facebook page.
Readers may recall our mid-February post, Dornink to move to Glenville to run in District 23; "Patriot Princess" Lisa Hanson declares bid. Hanson gained statewide attention with headlines such as Albert Lea bar owner who defied COVID restrictions and has been on the lam is arrested in Iowa and Albert Lea restaurant owner found guilty of violating state COVID mandate in the Star Tribune.
Despite those qualifications on Hanson's part, Dornink won the party endorsement for Senate District 23 seat over Hanson, the Albert Lea Tribune's Sarah Stulz reported back in late March:
. . . Of the 217 delegate ballots cast in the endorsing convention, 149 — or 68.7% — were for Dornink and 68 — or 31.3% — were for Hanson. A candidate needed 131 votes — or more that 60% of ballots — to receive the party’s official backing. Delegates were from Freeborn, Faribault, Mower, Steele and Waseca counties.
“It’s humbling to receive the endorsement,” Dornink said in a speech after convention officials announced the results, pointing out how hardworking Hanson was.
He said he will listen to everyone in his role as senator, noting he tries to live his life by Jesus Christ’s message to treat others as you would want to be treated. . . .
Hanson, of Hayward, referenced reopening her business in defiance of Gov. Tim Walz’s mandates on restaurants in the pandemic, accusing Walz of violating constitutional law and being protected by a “crooked legal system.” She faced both civil litigation and criminal charges tied to reopening, and was arrested after failing to appear for one of her hearings.
A jury ultimately found Hanson guilty of six misdemeanor counts of violating an emergency executive order and was sentenced to 90 days in jail, missing her 39th wedding anniversary, the birth of her granddaughter and spending Christmas with her family, she said.
Throughout her fight, Hanson has taken her message out across the state, and it has also spread throughout the nation.
“I am a fighter who puts the Constitution and the people first over any political ambitions and desires,” she said. . . .
The Albert Lea Tribune reported in More residents file for elected office:
District 23 senator
Gene Dornink, Republican
Lisa Hanson, Republican
She's in the Secretary of State's Candidate Filings as well. We'll watch this race leading up to the August 9 primary.
Joe Liberty posts a PSA warning about Hanson campaign manager, Keith Haskell
In the group photo in the screenshot at the top of this post, the man on the right is Keith Haskell, who was identified as Hanson's campaign manager in the KTTC report, Albert Lea woman runs for state senate following conviction for defying the governor’s pandemic orders:
“She is fighting for liberties and freedoms and that really doesn’t know boundaries,” said Keith Haskell, Hanson’s campaign manager.
As the Facebook post by "Joe Liberty" who is Joseph Kincaid, owner of the beautiful Andor Wenneson Historic Inn in Peterson (source: Fillmore County Beacon) at the top of this article suggests, Haskell's got a thing about boundary issues. We'll let readers visit Facebook for the photos and the lively discussion for and against Haskell.
"Joe Liberty" is well known for his patriotic wrapped vehicle, an attractive accessary for rallies and protests.
Haskell earlier aided in the unsuccessful defense Hanson made, the Star Tribune's Randy Furst reported in Albert Lea bar owner goes on trial for resisting state COVID mandates:
Though Hanson sat alone at the defense table, she had support and encouragement during breaks from her husband, Vern, and consultant Keith Haskell, who said he was associated with an organization called the National Action Task Force in Washington, D.C.
To learn more about Haskell and the National Action Task Force, check out All in the badge: new MN NATF state coordinator convicted of 2017 impersonation of peace officer and National Action Task Force: From the mixed-up files on founder Mr. Mark Emery [Boswell].
Back in 2007, the Red Wing Republican Eagle reported in Man charged with pepper-spraying 2 police officers:
Two Rosemount police officers got faces full of pepper spray last month when they tried to arrest a man suspected of larceny and impersonating a police officer.
Police from Sioux Falls, S.D. called Rosemount March 21 and asked local police to arrest Keith Douglas Haskell, 44. The South Dakota department planned to extradite Haskell to Sioux Falls so he could face charges there.
Sioux Falls police warned Rosemount officers Haskell has a history of impersonating police officers and likely had police equipment. . . .
As far as we can tell from case listings in South Dakota's eCourt system (registration required), the only charge of impersonating an officer in his record (49C06003714A0) was dismissed by the Prosecutor, though he was convicted of petty theft and intent to defraud through use of a scaning device on a payment card. Jail time was suspended and probation only lasted six months.
We're waiting to hear back from the clerk of the Minnehaha Court for the documents in the case, as well as that of 49C07000836A0.
Hanson or Dornink? The voters in the Republican primary in Senate District 23 will decide this one. We'll be watching several other establishment v. patriot pairings/triplings in Minnesota as they move toward August.
Related posts:
- COVID vaccine stealing guy gets booted from Lisa Hanson's Dodge County Courthouse hearing
- Freeborn County judge has a point about Interchange owner's counterclaims against state
- National Action Task Force: From the mixed-up files on founder Mr. Mark Emery [Boswell]
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