Back in May, we reported In MN Senate District 15, Larvita McFarquhar vows to take back country from Gary Dahms.
Since then, conservative outlet Alpha News reported Restaurant owner who defied Walz shutdown to run for Senate--an article reprinted in the End Times Buzz.
Action 4 Liberty's Jake Duesenberg frothed in Heroic Figures from COVID Lockdowns File for Office:
What can we say besides "JUSTICE FOR LARVITA!". That was the mantra we had at the end of 2020. Larvita is a single, black mother of four beautiful daughters who also refused to give into tyranny. She said she had to take a stand to teach her daughters to stand up for what is right, even if prevailing winds are doing wrong. She got many Fox News hits about her story and inspired patriots far and wide to also push back.
After looking at McFarquhar's candidate committee registration with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, we learned that the treasurer on the Larvita (McFarquhar) for Senate Committee is:
Dr John F Montalvo Jr
[Street address redacted]
Margate, FL 33063
[email protected]
There's at least one earlier connection between the Lynd resident and the Florida Patriot Montalvo. He pushed back in a letter-to-the-editor published in The Clout on March 16, 2022, Letter to DailyClout: Minnesota Business Owner Prosecuted for Medical Mask Exemption:
Dear Dr. Wolf,
My name is Pastor/Dr. John F. Montalvo, Jr. and I recently saw your presentation on the Health Freedom Summit 2022. Just to give you a quick review of my background, I am an Biblical-based pastor as well as a naturopathic/homeopathic doctor. I tried to warn as many people as possible that this “virus” was a bioweapon and there were natural ways of protecting and overcoming it. [emphasis added] This was back in March 2020. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears and I was ridiculed by some of my colleagues at the medical colleges I use to work for. You see, I was let go because I would neither mask up nor take the shot.
But I am not here to talk about myself. I am here to advocate for a single mom of four girls in Lynd, Minnesota. She owned two businesses – one was a restaurant and the other a gymnasium that taught children gymnastics. Her name is Larvita McFarquhar. She is being prosecuted by the Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, and his AG Keith Ellison. They are trying to jail her for not wearing a mask at her daughter’s university, which is Southwest Minnesota State, even though she had a medical exemption.
Plus, they closed her restaurant down when she opened it on March 1, 2021, in defiance of the governor’s orders, though all her employees had medical exemptions. They are fining her $16,000, money she doesn’t have! There is a lot more to the story. She had an attorney that was helping her, but and after taking $20,000, they dropped her case. Now she is out of funds! Can you please help her and her girls?!
In HIS Amazing Love and Service,
Dr. John
We can hear the voice of a true fellow traveler of the woman we described in our December 2020 post Small town MN freedom fighting restaurateur's anti-vaxx pals make us pause about her savvy.
The bio at the bottom of the DailyClout letter:
Graduate of Florida Atlantic University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting with an AA in Business Administration. Studied at Calvary Chapel Bible College to become a pastor. Dr. Montalvo earned his doctorate from Trinity College of Natural Health in January 2007 as a Naturopathic Physician. He also earned a doctorate in Naturopathic Ministries as well as a Master Herbalist degree. Dr. Montalvo was ordained as a Pastor International under Zealous For Zion Healing International on June 26, 2021.
Now, that Trinity College of Natural Health isn't associated with the school in Hartford Connecticut, nor one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Nope. That would be the Trinity College of Natural Health in Warsaw, Indiana. Learn more in the FAQs section of the school's website, which includes this information about Dr. Montalvo's degree:
Why did you change the Doctor of Naturopathy to Certified Holistic Health Practitioner?
In light of confusion over the years that Trinity School of Natural Health was awarding a "doctoral degree", and the fact that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to practice in many states as a traditional naturopathic doctor, Trinity determined that it was our job to educate students in the field of natural health practice. Many of the calls that come into our office are students or potential students asking why, if I can't practice as a naturopathic doctor in my state, would you award me a diploma with that title? So we listened and selected a board-certifiable title that clearly describes what we do. Board Certification is available with the CHHP at
According to the FAQs, one can finish the "Certified Holistic Health Practitioner [in] 36 weeks (including case studies and online practicum)." That's weeks, not credit hours.
There's more at Zealous for Zion Healing International, Hollywood Florida, where he "was ordained as a Pastor International" on June 26, 2021:
Dr. John F. Montalvo, Jr. Was born in Elmhurst, Queens, New York. Moved to Margate, FL in July 1972. Graduate from Florida Atlantic University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting with an AA in Business Administration. Was born again and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in November 1991. Studied at Calvary Chapel Bible College to become a pastor. Helped in planting a church in Boca Raton, FL in July 1994, Boone, NC in April 1998, Pompano Beach, FL in 2008 and in Miami, FL in 2009. Was married in April 1995 to Evie (Evelyn) Montalvo until her death on Memorial Day, May 26, 2003.Founder of Christian Connection Ministries in 1998 and Genesis Health Connection in 2003 and Last Days Ministries (Pastor) in 2008.
In November 2000, John was diagnosed with prostate and colon cancer in and has been a cancer survivor for over 21 years by using natural therapies. In November 2001, he was ordained a health minister through Hallelujah Acres. John has studied under Dr. Thom Sonnenberg a Homeopathic Physician also, with Dr. John McDougall, founder of the McDougall Program at St. Helena Hospital in Napa Valley, CA. He is also an author of several books. Dr. Joel Fuhrman spokesperson for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and author of Fasting and Eating for Health and his latest best seller Eat To Live. Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and chief U.S. investigator for the China Project. This landmark study conducted in 1983 and then again in 1989 was a collaborative effort between Cornell University, the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Oxford University, England.
He authored two books from that study. One was published in 1996 called the China Project and the second called The China Study which was released in January 2005. Dr. Lorraine Day an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. She is also a Breast Cancer overcomer using natural therapies. And Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn cardiologist with the prestigious Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Researcher and prescriber of Plant base diets to reverse arteriosclerosis.
Graduated Trinity College of Natural Health in January 2007 and receive a doctorate as a Naturopathic Physician, a doctorate in Naturopathic Ministries and a Master Herbalist degree. Also have a certificate of completion as a VoiceBio Sound Therapist and a Certified Natural Health Professional as well as being a certified Biblical counselor and Hallelujah Acres Health Minister.
Co-host of Natural Health God’s Way on Grace FM WAFG 90.3 third Friday of every month. And Get Healthy Miami on 2nd or 4th Tuesday mornings at Life FM 90.3.
I have held various positions in accounting: Staff Accountant, Accounts Payable Manager, Asset Manager, Investment Specialist, Controller, Chief Financial Officer and Financial Analyst Manager.
I am certified as a Crown Financial Small Group Leader, Crown Financial Money Map Coach, Business by the Book Leader and Crown Financial Seminar Instructor.
Now, according to CFB boards, Senator Dahms' treasurer is one Barbara Dahms, presumably a relative in Redwood Falls. While McFarquhar is her own campaign chair, Joel Mathiowetz of Morgan Minnesota is Dahms' campaign committee chair. Not sure if it's this Joel, but probably a family member if not.
Are Republican voters in Senate District 15 outraged about Dahms' record of service in the Minnesota Senate? Somehow we doubt that feeling will overcome local knowledge about McFarquhar's businesses.
An aside: The "Dr Wolf" at DailyClout to whom Dr. John addressed his letter is another anti-vaxxer, as the BBC reported in Covid: Twitter suspends Naomi Wolf after tweeting anti-vaccine misinformation.
Screengrab: From Dr. John F. Montalvo, Jr's bio at Zealous for Zion Healing International.
Related posts:
- In MN Senate District 15, Larvita McFarquhar vows to take back country from Gary Dahms
- Small town MN freedom fighting restaurateur's anti-vaxx pals make us pause about her savvy
- Minnesota Court of Appeals affirms ruling against Havens Garden's anti-sovereignty motion
- Controversial Alexandria pastor Darryl Knappen visits Larvita Mcfarquhar's Havens Garden
- McFarquhar: freedom fighter or attention addict?
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