UPDATE 6/15: At Dakota Free Press, Cory Allan Heidelberger has another take on Keintz' withdrawal in Keintz Withdrew from District 1 House April 22; Vacancy Occurred After June 7 [end update]
Another candidate is absent from the race in South Dakota Senate District 1: incumbent Democratic state representative Jennifer Keintz, Eden.
We noticed Keintz's absence on the South Dakota Democratic Party's list of 2022 Democratic Candidates and that at the Republican blog Dakota War College, 2022 Candidate List updated. The list of primary candidates at the South Dakota Secretary of State notes "(Withdrawn 04/22/2022)." List here, page 2.
As far as we are able to determine, the withdrawal has not been covered in the traditional press--and the coverage of Republican Logan Manhart's blighted post-primary withdrawal--witness the Associated Press's South Dakota House candidate [Logan Manhart] withdraws from District 1 House race after residency question--still listed Keintz as a candidate:
The District 1 race, which will decide two House seats, now pits a pair of Democrats, McCleerey and Rep. Jennifer Healy Keintz, against Republican Rep. Tamara St. John. Healy Keintz and St. John are incumbents.
Apparently not.
Reached by Twitter direct message, Keintz wrote:
... I only turned in a petition as a place holder. They couldn’t process my withdrawal until after the primary.
Since the withdrawals of both Manhart and Keintz were processed after the primary, are district officials from either party allowed to place replacement candidates on the ballot if they act by August 9?
Earlier, we were under the mistaken impression that Republican Joe Donnell, defeated mightily by incumbent Michael Rohl in the primary for the District 1 senate seat, was not able to be named as a replacement for Manhart. We're told this is incorrect.
As Cory Allan Heidelberger wrote at Dakota Free Press:
Manhart’s withdrawal the day after the primary moots the court challenge. It avoids a ruling that his candidacy was illegal. It leaves the door open for SDGOP chairman Dan Lederman to call a meeting of the Republican Party officials who live in District 1 to pick a replacement (like Joe Donnell, the guy Kristi Noem endorsed in the District 1 Senate primary but who got clobbered Tuesday by Senator Michael Rohl 71%–29%—yes! run that guy!).
Should neither party come up with replacements, Democratic candidate and former state representative Steve McCleerey and incumbent Republican Tamara St. John will serve in Pierre in the coming session.
As a District 1 voter, I'm curious what my ballot will look like in November. As Dorothy said in the "Wizard of Oz," people come and go here so quickly here.
Still: From the Wizard of Oz. I often feel like Dorothy covering South Dakota elections. A different set of rules than my home state of Minnesota.
Related posts:
- News digest: Manhart pulls out of SD1 race
- Eligibility questioned, Logan Manhart withdraws from South Dakota District 1 House race
- Dakota Free Press post: Manhart voted in Wisconsin in 2021, thus ineligible to run for South Dakota House in 2022
- Manhart candidate integrity questioned: docs from 32CIV22-92; McCleerey vs Barnett
- In SD District One, GOP candidate & operative doesn't want to talk to press about January 6
- Media scrutiny of SD District 1 House Logan Manhart candidate integrity questions continue
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