« Westrom residency: an account of the hearing before the Honorable Diane Bratvold | Main | Retiring state rep Miller to push unconstitutional local ordinances for new PLAM Action job »

Aug 30, 2022


Cory Allen Heidelberger

Interesting residency case! The judge's ruling seems reasonable. The candidate was forthright about the intent of the move to establish residency for election purposes. The candidate completed the purchase just in time to comply with the six-month residency requirement for legislators. The candidate provided evidence and testimony from multiple witnesses to establish a plausible case that he really does live at Lake Mary in the new District 12. The complainants did not provide any smoking gun—they didn't show that Westrom had used the Elbow Lake address to vote or claim property tax benefits or anything else like that.

Also interesting that Minnesota only requires residency six months preceding the election, while South Dakota requires two years. Do you know if there's a reason Minnesota requires less time of residence to qualify to run for office?

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