Governor Noem didn't bother to show up for a gubernatorial candidate forum with the downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club, but that didn't stop her from lying about what Democratic candidate Jamie Smith did say.
In the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, Annie Todd reports in Fact Check: Did South Dakota governor candidate Jamie Smith actually say he wanted to raise taxes?:
A few hours after Rep. Jamie Smith (D-Sioux Falls) answered questions during a gubernatorial candidate forum with the downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club, Gov. Kristi Noem's reelection campaign posted a video of her challenger saying "he wants to find more things to tax," in regards to comments Smith made about the proposed repeal of the state sales tax on food.
At the meeting, Smith had been answering a question about the loss of revenue the state may face if the sales tax on food was repealed. He said that if recreational marijuana is passed by the voters during the Nov. 8 election, it would provide a new item to tax.
"'Some good friend of mine from the past said, 'We don't need to tax things more. We need more things to tax,'" Smith said.
In response to the ad, Smith tweeted the full conversation Monday that had led to him saying, "some good friend of mine from the past said, 'We don't need to tax things more. We need more things to tax.'"
Since Noem made the announcement in late September that if reelected for a second term as governor, she would push the legislature to repeal the state sales tax on food, both candidates have been trading barbs over the initiative.
Bluestem won't share the Noem ad--I even got a version of it in a text from the Noem campaign. It's unclear how those folks got my number. Todd continues:
But for those who attended the Rotary meeting, they might think there's a bit of disconnect with the ad, insofar that Smith's comments are being taken out of context.
Smith was the only candidate to accept the invitation to the forum, though Noem and Libertarian Tracey Quint had been invited.
Here's what Smith actually said in his conversation with former Rotary president Jason Herrboldt when asked about Noem's proposed policy to repeal the state sales tax on food:
Here’s the unedited clip with the context @KristiNoem conveniently left out.
— Jamie Smith for SD Governor (@RepJamieSmith) October 17, 2022
Just more D.C.-style politics from a D.C.-style politician.
Read the rest at the Argus Leader.
Smith has tweeted his response to the Todd article:
Great piece here by @AnnieTodd96 on @KristiNoem blatant lie:
— Jamie Smith for SD Governor (@RepJamieSmith) October 21, 2022
“But for those who attended the Rotary meeting, they might think there's a bit of disconnect with the ad, insofar that Smith's comments are being taken out of context.”
Twitter has been brutal--though it looks as if the Noem campaign is betting South Dakota isn't engaged on the platform.
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Image: Correction of a still from an earlier Noem ad, via Dakota Free Press.
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