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Apr 10, 2023


Lars White

Bluestem here has us where costs of homeowner decisions can definitely run to many digits, as going green, reducing one's personal carbon footprint I guarantee involves some Rubycon involving smart tech, meaning irreversible breaking changes. Does a load-helper, or aux/secondary load panel always have to be thousands-of-dollars-smart, loaded with static-sensitive silicon chips that follow remote load control by way of the Internet of Things? No, not if the extra load center is initially an upgradeable non-smart choice, the Oracular and Omnicient AI-run upgrade, the HAL9000 system, can be done later. Not knowing what lies ahead, only being certain temps can go subzero for weeks I have planned for, and installed, a simple transfer to connect just my furnace to run from "X" backup. Here is my dumb solution, a Legrand 1226 DPDT control to cutover: https://www.legrand.us/wiring-devices/light-switches-and-dimmers/commercial-switches/20a-double-pole-double-throw-switch-brown/p/1226 By the time I know if my future will be solar, or nuclear, I can cash in my vast BitCoin holdings and also add an EV charger in the garage.

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