On Friday, Bluestem Prairie posted SD PUC staff motion: non-mysterious portents in the air about potential denial of Summit Carbon Solution's pipeline permit application.
It didn't take long for the federal tax credit profiteers at Summit Carbon Solutions to push back, as the Argus Leader's Dominik Dausch reported in Summit Carbon pushes back against PUC staff motion to deny company permit:
Summit Carbon Solutions, a carbon capture company applying for a permit to build part of a $5.5 billion pipeline in South Dakota, has filed an official response to a state regulatory attorney's motion to deny their application.
Summit Carbon responded late Friday after South Dakota Public Utilities Commission staff attorney Kristen Edwards requested an order from commissioners to nix the company's permit hearing earlier that day. The PUC staff motion was made after the Nebraska-based company's requested on Thursday to withdraw a motion to preempt local county ordinances.
Brett Koenecke, Summit Carbon's attorney, asked the commission to deny staff's motion in the company's response letter and have the hearings proceed as scheduled.