It looks as if local organizing about a proposed destination golf club is having an effect in Kandiyohi County's Lake Andrew Township.
On Saturday, Bluestem posted Tepetonka Club? Not so fast. On November 7, Lake Andrew Township will hold public hearing on possibility of taking over zoning.
In Thursday's West Central Tribune, Tom Cherveny reports in Lake Andrew Township to consider own zoning prior to Kandiyohi County planning meeting:
A crowd of about 150 filled the Lake Andrew Town Hall for a hearing on the possibility of township zoning administration. Opponents of the proposed Tepetonka Club golf course want township to control its own zoning.
LAKE ANDREW TOWNSHIP — Lake Andrew Township supervisors could decide Friday on whether or not to take over zoning duties from Kandiyohi County in the township's boundaries.
The supervisors agreed Wednesday night to continue a special meeting to Friday afternoon when they can meet with attorney Robert Ruppe, who is well-versed in township and municipal law. Their decision followed a 2 ½-hour public hearing at which an estimated 150 people packed the town hall.
Many of the attendees told the supervisors it was important to act in advance of a Nov. 13 Kandiyohi County Planning Commission hearing at which a conditional use permit for the Tepetonka golf course project will be considered.
The township must act before the permitting process advances in Kandiyohi County, or the township will not have the authority to consider a permit for the golf course project, opponents of the golf course told the supervisors.
“If you leave it to the county, you literally have no power left,” Erik Hatlestad told the supervisors.
He was among those who also urged the township to adopt a year-long moratorium on development to consider a comprehensive land use policy.
The Tepetonka Club is seeking to develop a private, destination golf course on 227 acres of land along Shakopee Creek in the township.
The Kandiyohi County Board of Commissioners voted 3-2 last month to not require the golf course developer to complete a more extensive environmental study than the 156-page environmental assessment worksheet it had completed. The worksheet — and the accompanying findings of fact and conclusions prepared by county environmental staff — found no significant environmental impacts from the proposed project.
The project represents a $30 million investment, and will generate an estimated $5 million in economic benefits for Kandiyohi County, according to Tepetonka Club.
It has generated significant controversy in the township. At one point in Wednesday’s hearing, longtime township resident Bob Dickerson of Dickerson’s Resort cited the divisions it has created and urged that people be more neighborly.
Opponents of the project told the supervisors it will exploit the township’s groundwater resources and pollute Shakopee Creek and downstream waters.
“We need to guard and protect our water,” said township resident Gene East, who was among those urging the supervisors to take over zoning authority. ...
A number of people said they did not believe the environmental assessment worksheet sufficiently examined the environmental concerns, and want a more thorough examination as provided by an environmental impact statement. . . .
Read the entire article at the West Central Tribune. According to the Census Reporter, the United States Census's 2021 American Community Survey reported that the township's population was 1058 people. Good turnout.
We'll see if the board members have the courage to follow their constituents' lead or flinch under fear of lawsuits.
Photo: Carolyn Lange Hatlestad speaking at Tuesday's meeting. From Erik Hatlestad's Facebook page. Used with permission.
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