On Tuesday, Bluestem posted Piddly capital steps rally underscores Republican Party and lawmakers hating on new state flag.
In that post, i included news coverage of the rally that reported about two dozen people attended the rally, along with photos first published on social media that illustrated the news articles' information. The screenshot at the top of this post is a photo of the rally MinnPost's Peter Callaghan. posted on X.
Curious then that state senator Nathan Wesenberg,R-Little Falls, shared a much different tale on his Senator Nathan Wesenberg Facebook page:
As the Star Tribune reported in Minnesota Republicans push to put new state flag up to a statewide vote:
Sen. Mary Kunesh, DFL-New Brighton, who sponsored the legislation to create the commission and sat on it as a nonvoting member, said the poorly attended rally shows "this controversy is manufactured by Republicans."
"From what I could see, it looked like there were more Republican legislators at the press conference than there were Minnesotans gathered outside. By comparison, the commission to consider changes to the flag and seal received thousands of submissions and almost 22,000 public comments," she said in a statement. "I am proud of that process, and the result, and look forward to seeing the new flag fly over the Capitol." . . .
Perhaps he agrees with Kunesh and only really meant only the press conference, though
Last Thursday, Wesenberg linked the rally and later press conference in a Facebook video appeal for turnout:
He'd also shared the Cows and Rocks rally event link on Monday, February 26.
That worked out well. At least on Planet Nathan. Little Falls is home to over 9,000 souls, so Bluestem doubts that two dozen people isa great turn out even on his home stomping grounds.
This isn't the only recent Senator Wesenberg Facebook post that asserts an alternate reality.
On March 1, Wesenberg posted on his personal Facebook page:
The claim about the Aurora DFLer:
Dave Lislegard has never supported wolf hunting. He is only on this bill to try and not lose his next election.
is fairly easy to fact check at the Legislative Reference Library's Minnesota Member Record, which lists every bill Lislegard has authored or co-authored. Apparently "never" doesn't go as far back as Legislative Session 92 (2021-2022), during which Lislegard authored or signed on to 194 bills, including HF1539,
On January 3, 2022, Lislegard was chief author of HF2787, Wolf hunting open season re required. Earlier, in the 2021 part of the 92nd session, the Aurora Democrat was a co-author of HF1548, Wolf open season required, authored by now-former representative Dale Lueck and introduced on February 25, 2021.
No action was taken on the bills or their Senate companions at a time when the DFL controled the Minnesota House and the Republicans held the Senate. Neither chamber committee to which the companion bills were sent heard the bills.
No representative of either party offered a bill for a wolf season during the 91st Session, the first during which Lislegard served.
Perhaps Wesenberg meant the sessions before that, when he wrote "never."
Not one to rest on his misinformation, Wesenberg signed on as a co-author to Senator Lucero's SF 4630 (Certain harmful atmospheric activity prohibition) which will protect Minnesotans from chemtrails and their kindred. Oh good.
Screenshot: A photo of the rally by MinnPost's Peter Callaghan. posted on X.
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