It's Arbor Day, and a much welcomed rain is falling here in Northeastern South Dakota. We're waiting to get some saplings from the local conservation service.
This week, Minnesota Public Radio has been airing Clay Masters' segment, Arbor Day tradition aims to put trees in ground while easing political tensions at Capitol, made lovely by a background chorus of red-winged blackbirds:
The signs of early spring are all around as a chorus of birds sing on Rep. Rick Hansen’s hobby farm outside Harmony in southeast Minnesota.
The DFL chair of the House Environmental Committee from South St. Paul trudges up a hill on this land — it’s been in his family since the late 1800s and it is where his mother grew up. He points out a tree he planted during his first year in the Legislature.
“I’ve been using Arbor Day trees I get to fill in the holes,” Hansen said with a chuckle, adding not all the trees he plants survive the elements. “It’s part of the circle of life.”
The Arbor Day trees he references are part of a Minnesota House tradition that began decades ago. Two Democrats and two Republicans started passing out tree saplings to recognize the importance of forestry in the state and to have a brief respite from partisan clashes.
“Whether it’s in the pinelands up north, or in the oak country down here or even in the prairie, where the cottonwoods are, people planting trees (is) something that I think Minnesotans pass on from generation to generation,” Hansen said.
The four lawmakers split the cost and the last few years they’ve been buying from Schumacher Nursery in Heron Lake. On Thursday, lawmakers will pass out three wildlife-friendly species of trees: black cherry, cranberry bush and white oak. . . .
Listen to the article online to hear the birds and other current and past lawmakers as well.
Here's the press release about the event--followed by the Youtube of the comments by members who organized the event:
SAINT PAUL, Minn. – In honor of Arbor Day, which is celebrated the last Friday of April, Rep. Rick Hansen (DFL - South St. Paul) and members of the Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee distributed White Oak, Black Cherry, and Cranberry Bush saplings from Schumacher’s Nursery in Heron Lake, Minnesota to members of the Minnesota House of Representatives.
“Planting a tree is one of the most important things we can do to protect our environment, and Arbor Day is the perfect time to bring legislators together to honor our trees,” said Rep. Hansen, chair of the Minnesota House Environment and Natural Resources Committee. “Last year the Legislature made historic investments in planting trees and responding to emerald ash borer, and that work is continuing this year in the Environment and Natural Resources Committee.”
Last week, the Environment and Natural Resources Committee passed HF 3911, the 2024 Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy bill, which includes over $19 million in funding for trees and tree planting grants throughout Minnesota.
This yearly bipartisan House tradition has been celebrated around Arbor Day for over 40 years. Tree saplings were handed out during today’s floor session. A recording of the representative’s floor speeches can be found here.
That link led to a YouTube of the whole session. Here are the Arbor Day speeches:
Photo: Rep. Rick Hansen (center in suspenders), House Members, and staff bag trees for Arbor Day Celebration. Credit: Andrew VonBank, House Photography.
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