Back on April 21. Bluestem posted Incumbent Davids loses MN House District 26B GOP endorsement to Fillmore County Chair.
I looked at local Republican county unit social media ports, commentary from Action4Liberty's website and earlier Bluestem reportage related to the endorsed candidate, Gary Steuart.
On Monday, the Rochester Post Bulletin's Matt Stolle published some real reporting in Rep. Greg Davids, the GOP's longest-serving state representative, loses his party's endorsement. Stolle's reporting answers some question I had about the upset:
. . .Steuart, a rural Mabel business owner, said Davids has been in the Legislature too long. He also said Davids has been insufficiently vocal in supporting conservative causes, such as school vouchers and the Second Amendment.
“Greg’s been there too long. So that’s my opinion, but it’s shared by quite a number of people across the district,” Steuart said. “We’ve been convinced that his main mission is to just stay there.”
Davids vowed to take the fight to the Aug. 13, 2024 primary and allow voters to decide the district’s GOP candidate in the general election. Davids said he had made it clear to convention delegates gathered in Mabel last week that he would continue his campaign even if he had lost the endorsement, he said.
. . .Davids was among a handful of GOP incumbents who have been challenged by conservative candidates.
Action 4 Liberty, a conservative grassroots organization supporting conservative challenges to longterm incumbents, crowed over Davids’ defeat in a post on its website, “32-Year RINO Rep. Defeated, Loses Republican Endorsement.”
“According to the Action 4 Liberty scorecard, Greg Davids has a lifetime liberty score of 49% — a failing grade!” the post said. “It seems clear that the people of 26B demanded a more conservative representative.”
Steuart said Action 4 Liberty is not a fan of Davids, but played no role in denying him the endorsement. . . .
Read the entire article at the Post Bulletin, accessible any Forum News network subscriber.
Photo: Preston representative Greg Davids, around 2018.
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