Bluestem Prairie has been following efforts to curb the spread of chronic wasting disease through Minnesota's wild and captive deer herds for many years.
Late last December, I posted Lawsuit: Minnesota Deer Farmers Association takes State of Minnesota to federal court, which includes a copy of the lawsuit.
On Wednesday, Minnesota Public Radio's Dan Gunderson reported in Judge dismisses lawsuit challenging deer farm regulations:
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging Minnesota laws that tighten regulation of the farmed deer industry.
The Legislature last year passed a package of laws restricting expansion and operation of white tailed deer farms in the state. The laws took effect this year.
The action was in response to the spread of chronic wasting disease, an always fatal neurological disease that infects cervids, a family of animals including deer and elk. . . .
The Minnesota Deer Farmers Association filed suit against the state, seeking an injunction to prevent enforcement of the laws.
On Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge John Tunheim denied the injunction request and dismissed the lawsuit. . . .
Here's a PDF of Judge Tunheim's decision:
Deer Farmers v. DNR CWD - Tunheim Decision - DNR Motion Granted uploaded by Sally Jo Sorensen on Scribd
Gunderson reported that the MDFA lawyer plans an appeal:
. . . An attorney for the deer farmers said they will appeal the ruling to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
Erick Kaardal said he believed the court erred in dismissing the case. He said Minnesota statute identifies deer farming as an occupation.
“But in direct contradiction, the new 2024 state laws prohibit transfer of deer farm registrations to willing buyers and prohibit issuing new deer farm permits,” said Kaardal. “Meanwhile, my law firm represents a willing buyer who wants to again pursue the deer farming occupation, but he can’t because of the 2024 laws.”
Kaardal said the deer farmers will ask the appeals court for an expedited hearing of the case . . .
On Facebook Thursday, Kittson County deer farmer Steve Porter, one of the more vocal plaintiffs shared his own thoughts about the decision in a video on his business's Facebook page:
As, me late father often said, you can't beat it with a stick. Well, maybe in court.
Porter is also an anti-wolf activist on the board of the group Hunters for Hunters.
Photo: A 10-foot fence surrounds 12 acres of land where domesticated deer remains were allegedly dumped near Hines. The fence was built by the Minnesota DNR in an attempt to help stop the spread of chronic wasting disease. "Blane Klemek, the assistant regional wildlife manager of the Minnesota DNR northwest division, said the fence was constructed to last 20 years with the DNR absorbing the cost of construction -- about $194,000 -- and maintenance." Contributed to the Bemidji Pioneer.
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